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Lego Education Moore Educational is an Authorised Partner of LEGO® Education.

LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Essential

STEAM ahead with SPIKE Essential.
For teachers of grade 1-4 

Explore how LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Essential ensures a progression of learning year after year, starting in the Early Years. Using the LEGO® Education SPIKE™ App students can progress all the way from lower to upper primary following a progression of block-based coding from icon blocks to word blocks based on Scratch. This provides age and skill appropriate tools for developing coding proficiency. The consistent unit structure builds a strong foundation for easy progression into more advanced learning opportunities with SPIKE™ Prime.  As part of the LEGO® Learning System SPIKE Essential future-proofs students’ skills and makes them confident life-long learners by giving them unlimited possibilities for hands-on, playful STEAM learning.

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